İbrahim Kalın was born in 1971 in Istanbul. After his graduation from Istanbul University Department of History, he earned his master’s degree at the International Islamic University Malaysia. He was conferred the title of Doctor at the George Washington University in 2002 and Professor at İbn Haldun University in 2020. He gave lectures at several universities including Georgetown, Bilkent, and İbn Haldun Universities. He became a member of board of overseers at Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University and Turkish-Japanese Science and Technology University. He established and chaired SETA Foundation (Political, Economic, and Social Research Foundation) in 2005. İbrahim Kalın wrote several papers, articles, and books, which have been translated into several languages and published on international academic media; presented papers at various councils, congresses, conferences, and panels; and contributed in workshops. İbrahim Kalın wrote articles and books in disciplines such as the Turkish foreign policy, politics, philosophy, and history, and contributed to literature in these fields with his recent works. Apart from his assignment as Director of the National Intelligence Organization in June 2023, from 2009 onwards İbrahim Kalın also served as Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister , Coordinator of the Office of Public Diplomacy, of which he was also a founder, Deputy Undersecretary for Foreign Relations and Public Diplomacy at the Office of the Prime Minister, Deputy Secretary General Responsible for Strategy and International Relations at the Office of the President, Acting Chairman of the Presidential Council for Security and Foreign Policies, and Chief Advisor for Security and Foreign Policies at the Office of the President, respectively. In addition to his duties in bureaucracy, he also continued to serve as Presidential Spokesperson, a position he had assumed in 2014 with the title of ambassador, until he was appointed as Director of the National Intelligence Organization. İbrahim Kalın speaks English, Arabic, Farsi, and French.
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2010-2015 | 2015-2023HAKAN FİDAN

2005-2010EMRE TANER
Graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences, Emre Taner started his career in National Intelligence Organization in 1967, where he undertook important duties at various levels. He served as Regional Director of Bursa and Regional Director of Istanbul. He served as Director of Intelligence in 1987 and Deputy Undersecretary in 1992. In 1994, Taner was assigned to foreign duty. In 1999 he was appointed as Operations Deputy Undersecretary. Taner became MIT Undersecretary in 2005, and retired from this position in 2010.
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Graduated from Galatasaray High School and Grenoble University (France) Faculty of Political Sciences, Şenkal Atasagun started his career at National Intelligence Organization in 1967, after completing his military service as reserve officer. Fluent in French and English and an expert in counter-intelligence, Atasagun served in various positions and levels at Intelligence and Operations Directorates. He also served as Deputy Regional Director of Istanbul, Belgium/Brussels Representative, Regional Director of Ankara, and Director of Operations. In 1997 Atasagun was assigned to foreign duty in London. He was assigned as MIT Undersecretary in 1998, and retired from this position in 2005.
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Graduated from Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Sciences, Sönmez Köksal started his career as a probationer at the United Nations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Later, he served as Second Secretary at the Department of Bilateral Economic Relations, First Secretary at Turkiye’s Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva , Head of Branch at the Department of International Economic Relations , Consul General to Burgas, Counselor of Paris Embassy, Head of Research and Middle East Departments, Deputy Director General for International Economic Relations , Ambassador to Baghdad, and Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the Council of Europe respectively. Köksal was appointed as Undersecretary of MİT in 1992. He was appointed as Ambassador to Paris in 1998.
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Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions in the Turkish Armed Forces, Teoman Koman was promoted to brigadier general in 1981. He served as a brigadier general between 1981-1985, and major general between 1985-1989, and he was assigned as Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization on 29 August 1988. Koman was promoted to lieutenant general in 1989. After his duty as Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization, he was appointed to Gallipoli as Corps Commander. He was promoted to general in 1993, and assigned as Commander of the 3rd Army. Koman was appointed as Commander General of the Turkish Gendarmerie Forces in 1995, and retired in 1997.
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1986-1988HAYRİ ÜNDÜL
Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and held various positions in the Turkish Armed Forces, Hayri Ündül was promoted to brigadier general in 1976. He served as a brigadier general between 1976-1980, and major general between 1980-1985. In 1985 he was promoted to lieutenant general and assigned as Commander of the 7th Corps. He served as Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization between 1986-1988. Later, he became Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defence, and retired from this position.
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Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and held various positions in the Turkish Armed Forces, Burhanettin Bigalı was promoted to brigadier general in 1972. He served as a brigadier general between 1972-1976, and major general between 1976-1980; in 1980 Bigalı was promoted to lieutenant general. He served as Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization between 1981-1986. In 1986 he was promoted to general and assigned as Commander of the 2nd Army, and Commander General of the Gendarmerie Forces in 1988. Bigalı retired in 1990.
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1978-1979ADNAN ERSÖZ

Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and held various positions at home and abroad during his military career, Hamza Gürgüç was promoted to brigadier general in 1961. He served as Turkish Deputy at the Southeast Europe Allied Land Forces Command headquarters . Gürgüç was promoted to Major General in 1965 and became the Commander of the 15th Corps. He served as Deputy Administrative Aide-de-Camp at the Turkish Land Forces Command in 1966, Turkish Military Representative to CENTO with the rank of lieutenant general in 1967, Head of Intelligence at the Office of the Military Chief of Staff in 1968, and Commander of the 8th Corps in 1969. In 1970, he was promoted to general and assigned as a member of Supreme Military Council. Later, Gürgüç was assigned as Commander of the 3rd Army, and retired in 1974. Between 1974-1978, he served as Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization.
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1973-1974 | 1974-1974 | 1979-1981BÜLENT TÜRKER
Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions both at home and abroad during his military career, Bülent Türker was appointed as the Head of the Board of Education at the Turkish Military Academy with the rank of brigadier general in 1971, and as the Commander of the 6th Armored Brigade. Between 25 July 1973 and 27 February 1974 he served as Acting Undersecretary of MİT . In the following years, Türker served as the Commander of the 19th Infantry Division and the Head of Department of Counter-Intelligence at the Military Staff . Türker served as Acting Undersecretary of MİT for two months in 1974, and Undersecretary of MİT between 19 November 1979-7 September 1981. After leaving his position, he was assigned as the Commander of the 6th Corps, and he retired in 1983.
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Graduated from the Turkish Naval Academy, Bahattin Özülker held various positions in the Turkish Naval Forces, and was promoted to rear admiral in 1960. The same year, he served as Acting Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces. Özülker later served as Acting Navy Corps Commander for the Straits and the Sea of Marmara and Director of Intelligence of Military Chief of Staff . In 1966 he retired with the rank of Vice Admiral. He was appointed as the Undersecretary of MİT on 28 February 1974.
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Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions at home and abroad in the Turkish Armed Forces, Nurettin Ersin was promoted to the rank of brigadier general and was appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff of the 3rd Army. During 1966-67, he served as the Commander of 66th Division, and in the same year he was appointed to MİT and served as Head of Directorate . During his tenure he was promoted to major general. Ersin was reassigned to serve in Turkish Armed Forces; he served as the Commander of the 4th Infantry Division in 1969-1970, he was promoted to lieutenant general in 1971, and was appointed as Western Range Commander. Ersin served as the Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization between 2 August 1971 and 25 July 1973. After leaving the Organization he was appointed as the Commander of 6th Corps, and subsequently the Commander of the Turkish Peace Forces in Cyprus . He was promoted to general in 1974. Ersin respectfully served as Commander General of the Turkish Gendarmerie Forces, Secretary General of the National Security Council, and Commander of the Turkish Land Forces. Following 12 September 1980 military coup, he became a member of the National Security Council. In 1983, he was assigned as Military Chief of Staff. He retired the same year, and served as Presidency Council Member until 1989.
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1962-1964 | 1966-1971MEHMET FUAT DOĞU
Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions in the Turkish Armed Forces, Mehmet Fuat Doğu was appointed to serve in MAH on 14 September 1954 with the rank of staff lieutenant colonel. On 27 August 1962 he was appointed as MAH Director, and served in this position until 25 August 1964. In the same year, he was assigned as the Commander of 59th Division in Sivas. He became the Undersecretary of MİT on 1 March 1966. Also serving in General Staff’s Board of Audit, Doğu retired from the Turkish Armed Forces with the rank of leutenant general. He also served as Ambassador to Lisbon for 7 years until 1978.
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1960-1961 | 1964-1965NACİ AŞKUN

1965-1966AVNİ KANTAN
Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy, Avni Kantan served with various ranks and posts and appointed to the National Security Services. He served as a manager and posted abroad. He was appointed as Acting Undersecretary of MİT on 14 July 1965.
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1960-1961 | 1964-1965ZİYA SELIŞIK
Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions in the Turkish Armed Forces, Ziya Selışık began serving for MAH on 25 August 1938. He served as Director of Service twice here. Fluent in French and German, Ziya Selışık retired on age grounds on 13 July 1965.
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Ahmet Celâlettin Karasapan graduated from Paris School of Political Sciences and Social Sciences School’s Department of Journalism. While he was serving as Ambassador to Bucharest, he was appointed as MAH Director on 21 September 1959. He assumed his duties on 2 October 1959 and retired on 2 June 1960. Fluent in French, English, and Italian, Ahmet Celâlettin Karasapan was elected to the parliament as Senator for Afyonkarahisar in 1961.
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1957-1957 | 1959-1959AHMET SALİH KORUR
Graduated from the Topkapı Military Junior High School, Ahmet Salih Korur worked in military factories in Ankara during the War of Independence. He started working as a government official in General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre in 1925, and after 20 years of service he was promoted to general manager here. He also studied law during his government post, graduating from Ankara Faculty of Law in 1935. He was appointed as Director of General Directorate of Land and Settlement Works in 1946, and Undersecretary of the Prime Ministery following 1950 elections. He retired from this position on 27 May 1960. He served as Acting Director of Organization twice, one of which was during his tenure as Undersecretary of the Prime Ministery.
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Graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Law in 1927, Hüseyin Avni Göktürk earned his master’s degree from the Faculty of Law in Geneva , and PhD degree from the Faculty of Law in Berlin , returning to homeland in 1934. He served as a lecturer in Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Sciences and Faculty of Law; he was awarded the title professor in 1940. In 1946, he was appointed as Undersecretary of Ministry of Labour. He was a Member of Parliament between 1954-1957, ; during this period, he served as Minister of Justice, and as Acting Minister of Internal Affairs for 5 months. After his term as Member of Parliament was ended, he was appointed as MAH Director. He was appointed as Chairman of the Executive Board of the Bank for Industrial Development in 1959 and left the Organization. He served a second time in the parliament between 1966-1975 as Senator for Niğde.
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1957-1957 | 1957-1957EMİN ÇOBANOĞLU
A graduate of the Turkish Military Academy, Emin Çobanoğlu served in various positions in Turkish Armed Forces, and joined MAH on 27 August 1954 with the rank of staff colonel. After resigning from the army and assuming many positions as a civilian, he was assigned as Acting Director of Organization on 27 March 1957 upon Behçet Türkmen’s resignation. Having remained in office until 18 April 1957, Emin Çobanoğlu turned over his position to Ahmet Salih Korur, who had been serving as Undersecretary of the Prime Ministery and assigned to the same position as Acting Director of Organization. After Mr. Korur left the position on 23 September 1957 he was reassigned as Acting Director of MAH, and served until 21 November 1957. Following Hüseyin Avni Göktürk’s assignment as MAH Director, he continued working for the Organization as “Expert Advisor”. Fluent in French and Greek, Emin Çobanoğlu retired on 18 July 1960.
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A graduate of the Turkish Military Academy, Mehmet Naci Perkel joined the army with the rank of lieutenant and took active role in Balkan War (1912-1913). He fought in Iraq Front in WWI. He was taken as prisoner of war by the British in 1915 at Kut al-Amara, and was held in camps in India for 5 years. Upon his release in 1920, Perkel returned to Istanbul. In early 1922, he joined the National Army and was assigned to the Western Front.
During the Republic era, he was appointed to MAH Headquarters as Staff Major in 1929; he was promoted to Deputy Director in 1934. Later same year he retired from the Turkish Armed Forces. After the resignation of Şükrü Âli Ögel, he was appointed as the Director of Organization on 1 August 1941, and served in this position until 3 September 1953. On 13 October 1953, he was appointed as the Ambassador to Baghdad; in 1954 he was retired on age grounds.
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