
If I witness an espionage or spying activity, how can I contact the Organization?
You can contact us through the communication channel in the tab titled “How You Can Help” on our Organization’s website (www.mit.gov.tr).
If I report a suspicious espionage or terrorism activity to MIT, will my identity be revealed?
National Intelligence Organization protects identities of the citizens who wish to help in their field of activity under high security, and never shares with third parties.
Whose telephones are wiretapped? How can I tell if my telephone is wiretapped?
Telephone wiretapping is a special practice implemented only under special conditions limited by law, and via an adjudgement. If you aren’t partaking in local or foreign activities against integrity of Republic of Türkiye with its territory and community, or against existence, independence, sovereignty, security, constitutional order, or elements constituting its national strength; if you aren’t a victim caught in the web of foreign intelligence organizations, there is no reason for your telephone to be wiretapped. If you still suspect that your telephone is wiretapped, you can apply to Public Prosecution Office and request an investigation.
Do you have a special denunciation line people who may want to denounce? If so, why don’t you make a public announcement?
MIT doesn’t have a public denunciation line. However, the message form that can be found under “How You Can Help” tab on MIT website can be used for this purpose; all information submitted in such messages are evaluated.
Is your Organization connected groups that use MIT name or logo on certain social media sharing websites?
Our Organization has no connection on internet environment other than our website. Therefore, any persons or groups using MIT name or logo should be disregarded.
Can I use the information and logo contained on MIT website for my own purposes online or in any other environment?
Manipulating any information or Organization logo or any other photographs contained on MIT website will result in criminal prosecution. Moreover, in cases where our Organization name is used for any legal transaction, a criminal complaint will be filed to relevant authorities as per legislations in force.
Are “Intelligence Specialist – MIT Agent” stereotypes depicted in TV series and movies accurately reflecting true nature of such persons?
MIT personnel are legally public servants, and perform their duties within the frame specified in “State Intelligence Services and National Intelligence Organization Law” No 2937. Scenario writers naturally feel the desire to include unrealistic excitement and appeal in their works for marketing purposes. Executive producers focusing on their fictional characters may cause misunderstandings as they extend the gap between reality and fiction. Viewers should keep in mind that such productions are likely to focus on commercial returns instead of realistic depictions.
How is MIT’s relation with the media?
Office of Press and Public Relations Counsellor, a direct report of Organization Director, is a department where media members may apply regarding issues that may concern MIT. Office of Press and Public Relations Counsellor is also tasked with providing public with correct information about the Organization, issue MIT Press Statements, and contribute to promotion of the Organization.