Graduated from the Turkish Military Academy and served at various positions both at home and abroad during his military career, Bülent Türker was appointed as the Head of the Board of Education at the Turkish Military Academy with the rank of brigadier general in 1971, and as the Commander of the 6th Armored Brigade. Between 25 July 1973 and 27 February 1974 he served as Acting Undersecretary of MİT . In the following years, Türker served as the Commander of the 19th Infantry Division and the Head of Department of Counter-Intelligence at the Military Staff . Türker served as Acting Undersecretary of MİT for two months in 1974, and Undersecretary of MİT between 19 November 1979-7 September 1981. After leaving his position, he was assigned as the Commander of the 6th Corps, and he retired in 1983.